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Integration: Google Calendar


A google calendar integration would be really clutch.

6 years ago
Changed the title from "Google Calendar Integration" to "Integration: Google Calendar"
5 years ago
Merged Todo#60
5 years ago

We’re curious to hear more about how people would like to see this integration function within Momentum!

5 years ago

I would prefer for the calendar to be simple. Calendars can be overwhelming when looking through your monthly or even weekly agenda. What I believe would fit Momentums minimilist theme best would be a single day agenda.

What I picture is a button similar to the countdown feature which says the time of your next appointment and when clicked on, drops down into your scheduled activities for that day. I have fiddled around with some dev tools to give a simple visual of what I’m getting at (attached). Features that would likely need to be added as far as a Google Calendar integration would be colour specific calendar options and the ability to select which calendars to use. Most people, myself included, have a number of different calendars (i.e. family, personal, girlfriends personal calendar etc.) that are all differentiated through different colours.

5 years ago

I would preffer if there would be following option for this integration:

At launch Momentum could automatically show the current runnig google calendar entry as the focus for today (and write the start and end time after the name). If there is no entry right now – it could sho the last or the next entry in the calender (the user should have the option to choose the behavior for that case).

After I check the current focus in momentum as done it schould be changed to the next entry in the calendar – like autofocus (and it doesn’t matter if the entry already ended or not in the calendar).

There should be an option to show a few next items as a list under the focus item, or just the focus.

5 years ago

The best would have the ability to look at a three day window, so I can see what I need to do today, tomorrow and day after without having to actually go into the Google Calendar website.

5 years ago

A google calender would really be helpful so I could link my school calender to my homepage without having to log into google and go to the calender to see upcoming assignmeants.

4 years ago
Changed the status to
In Progress
3 months ago

Wow. 5 years to integrate w/ google calendar. I might have to get pro again!

3 months ago

Absolutely. A daily calendar similar to the single day view on Google Calendar would be fantastic

a month ago

The Google Calendar integration is here!

You can now add a calendar metric which shows the time until your next meeting. Clicking it brings up your calendar for today and tomorrow. To enable, go to Settings → General → Show → Time until next event.

If you want more, you can also add an app below the clock that shows your next meeting date, time, and name. A “Join meeting” button appears 5 min before the meeting which will take you into the call if it’s a Zoom/Meet/Teams call. If there’s a gap in your schedule, a “Focus until” button appears which starts a pomodoro timer for the time 5 minutes before your next meeting. To enable this, go to Settings → General → Center action → Next events.

We understand that there are many wishes for what a calendar integration should be, so we welcome your feedback. Please submit it on this site, and you are also welcome to get in touch with us at

For a demo of the feature and more info on this update, check our our 2.18 release notes.

a day ago
Changed the status to
a day ago


I have Momentum Plus and have updated the app, but don’t see an option to integrate my google calendar.


Thanks! Any ideas?

a day ago

The update is currently in review with Chrome and should go out by end of day. Firefox, Edge and Safari are also in review should be out by early next week. Our apologies for the mixup on this!

a day ago

Wow. After 5 long years. Yay! ;-)

a day ago