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Add Date & Day


Todays date and day has to show somewhere. Its absolutely absent. Kindly arrange to introduce the same.

6 years ago

Thanks for your suggestion, Ramnath.

Where would you expect the date/day display within Momentum?

6 years ago

Under the weather seems to be the best spot for this (obviously, leave it to the user if they want to see that)
If I may add to Ramnath’s suggestion, I’d love to have the option to choose how to format the date… I prefer the ANSI date format (yyyy-mm-dd) but it may not be the best option to display in momentum. Something like mmm-dd maybe better suited.

5 years ago
Changed the title from "Date and day absent" to "Add Date & Day"
5 years ago

+1 to this please - under weather or under clock. Is there any timeline where we could expect this to be implemented please?

4 years ago

I also support the addition of day/date to the dash, I would like it under the clock in smaller font as required to fit. I would also support an ISO/ANSI format yyyy-mm-dd if there is only going to be one option.
It is also disappointing to see this request is 2 years old.

4 years ago
Merged Day of the Week#195
4 years ago

Probs should merge Date on the dashboard#249 to this as well… having said that - now that I’m living off my machine pretty much all. the. time. - the date feature is blatantly missing :) Inserting it right under Time / Pomo and between mantra (if someone uses it) would be awesome. Doesn’t need to be as big as Time… anyhoo - please wave your magic wand and make it happen!

4 years ago
Merged Date on the dashboard#249
4 years ago

Are these supposed to be working now? How do I show the day and date?

3 years ago

I want to see the date and the day of the week displayed under the center clock, so I don’t have to click on the Windows clock in the corner. Please give us this very simple option!

3 years ago

This is the ONLY thing keeping me from paying for a Momentum Plus. :( 3 years since this was suggested? I won’t get my hopes up.

2 years ago

Top Center, prominent just like the time.

2 years ago

Why are we putting these suggestions if it is never updated on implementation, or why it can’t be implemented? 5 years to be waiting on a simple Day/Date?

a year ago