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Integration: Spotify
I would love to have some spotify controls, just "play", "pause", and "skip" would be nice.
Integration: Gmail
Hi, I just wanted to see if gmail could be added as an inbox integration because I check it a lot. thanks,
Integration: Notion
Hi Momentum team, it'd be wonderful to see an integration with Notion ( Your add-on and Notion are what gets me through a long day of studying at the library!
Integration: Apple Health
Because there is fitbit integration, I thought it would be nice to have fitbit health integrated as well.
Integration: Apple Calendar/Reminders
I know this is a really tricky one because Apple doesn't like to play with other kids, but I'd love to see an integration with the Apple calendar and/or the Apple reminders. I'm relying heavily on those, because they allow me to share events/reminde
Integration: Outlook
Could you please create a way to integrate Tasks from Outlook?
Integration: TickTick
Momentum for Desktop
Please create a Desktop Momentum App! I'd love to have the inspiring images & focus functions - and NOT have to open a browser - which for me is often a distraction danger zone, period. You'd mentioned wanting to create one at one time. Any ETA o
Integration: Apple Watch
I know fitbit is already available, but I personally use an Apple Watch and would like to have that integrated as well.
Integration: Google Keep
integrate Google Keep as todo list
Habit Tracker
Add an easy way to create and monitor progress towards positive habits like meditating, exercising, flossing, etc. within Momentum.
Integration: Things
Integration with tasks in Things 3 for the to-do list would be wonderful!
Add Date & Day
Todays date and day has to show somewhere. Its absolutely absent. Kindly arrange to introduce the same.
Integration: Evernote
Would love to see this as a to do list integration
Enable due dates on todo items
Would be nice to have due dates on items in todo list. BONUS: Super duper if on the day something is due, it automatically moves from any other list to Today
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